Jesus warned us of false prophets, but are we taking heed?   

Matthew 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders so as to deceive and lead astray, if possible, even the elect (God’s chosen ones). AMP

MATTHEW 23-25 “If anyone tries to flag you down, calling out, ‘Here’s the Messiah!’ or points, ‘There he is!’ don’t fall for it. Fake Messiahs and lying preachers are going to pop up everywhere. Their impressive credentials and dazzling performances will pull the wool over the eyes of even those who ought to know better. But I’ve given you fair warning. MSG

Many slip into living by opinions rather than the truth of God’s Word. The reason is, men's opinions make them feel better about their sin —the sin they don't want to change.  Another reason is just like the Message Bible is saying, is their impressive credentials and their performances mislead them!

I have seen this countless times. Men of God come in the house of God as an anointed one, one whom God has sent.  But as soon as it is learned he hasn't any credentials, as soon as it's decided this person is not qualified, he is considered lowly and then not received. Just the same as it was decided Jesus wasn't the Son of God. It didn't matter what He did or said, it was that they just did not like Him. They didn't like Him especially because He was anointed, He healed the sick, and cast out demons. They didn't like Him because He loved!  

If a person who is not anointed, but does have a degree comes into the church—he is treated with utmost  honor! His dazzling performances are amazing to the church! He is convincing and makes himself seem like the one. The reason he is loved, is he is of the world not of the Light. Men like to feel good about their sin, not deal with what is true. That is why they didn't like Jesus. He spoke truth and He turned the tables over rebuking them for making His Father's house a den of robbers. He didn't do things the way they liked. He didn't say what they wanted to hear. 

Jesus made things right. He did away with what would cause distress. Sin causes distress. 

Jesus is going to convict us with truth so that we can be free. He is actually getting us ready to live with Him by telling us the truth. Knowing the truth sets us free from believing a lie. Believing a lie is dangerous as it will determine your destination! Therefore recognize the conviction of truth in your heart, is good and it is Jesus loving you preparing you to move in with Him. Preparing you to live that more than you can ask or think life!

Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]—  AMPC

Don't let it happen to you, don't believe a lie. Let the Word of God be your source in making things right!. 

2 Timothy 4:3 For the time is coming when [people] will not tolerate (endure) sound and wholesome instruction, but, having ears itching [for something pleasing and gratifying], they will gather to themselves one teacher after another to a considerable number, chosen to satisfy their own liking and to foster the errors they hold, 4 And will turn aside from hearing the truth and wander off into myths and man-made fictions. AMPC