Lately thinking of getting married to Jesus and living in heaven —I wonder what it will be like there. Will I like it there, what will we do? How is the new heaven and the earth going to be? What will it be like without the sun? How will it be to live with God all the time? Like how perfect will we have to be to live with Him? You may have these same questions and I want to encourage you to ask Him so you can prepare to live there.
James tells us we can ask God questions, so that is what I have sort of been doing. What I mean is, I often mean to ask but sometimes just wonder. In my wondering I get answers to my questions without even asking! God is so cool!
James 1:5 If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of he giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him. AMPC
So yes I have been wondering about what it will be like in heaven. In my wonder, guess where I got to go? Yes, heaven! Just a few weeks ago I was in heaven with Jesus. We sat at the banquet table together and it was —so beautiful! He filled the atmosphere with His presence of love. There is just nothing like being with Jesus, He just makes up for everything that may be missing!
One thing we talked about was how we would reminisce about our endeavors on the earth, what we went through to get there. It reminded me of when my family would get together and we would talk for hours. No one wanted to go home, we just wanted to be together and talk, and talk and talk! It was so fun and I miss it, but I guess things change.
Speaking of change, when we meet Jesus and we move into heaven everything is going to change. Not much there is going to be like it is here. That said we have to start dreaming now and wondering asking questions now, how it will be?
In my wondering, of what heaven is like; I woke up this morning to a vision of those babies. You know, all those babies that were murdered. Yes, they are in heaven. I could see them playing in the sky with wings on. They looked kind of like those babies we imagine with wings that we call angels—except we know babies don’t grow wings and turn into angels. They didn't turn into angels but it was how they played. It was so cool they were just hanging out in the sky playing and giggling as they passed by each other. It was playtime and it was fun! You know like babies here get bouncy chairs and swings and stuff, and it’s exciting? Well in heaven they get to fly around and are entertained that way. They were having so much fun, how sweet a sight to see that those unwanted babies have this wonderful life happening in heaven!
God is so amazing! Everyone who we think we are missing; those babies that seem to have been killed —are in heaven. God is taking care of them. Their bodies have been taken from them, but no one can kill their soul. It is so sad many don't appreciate children and even think they have a right to kill them but, to know God has them and He is taking care of them is amazing! It satisfies me to know that He wants them. Their parents may not want them but God does! God loves far beyond, more than we can ask or think and He has that wonderful plan to save all of us. It is far better for a child to be with God than with a parent who does not want that child!
God You are so good, thank You so much for taking care of Your children. We just give You all the glory right now! Praise Him, won't you!