

Galatians 3:13 Christ purchased our freedom [redeeming us] from the curse (doom) of the Law [and its condemnation] by [Himself] becoming a curse for us, for it is written [in the Scriptures], Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree (is crucified). AMPC

Because we have Jesus we don’t have to try to obey the law in our own strength. God made it easy for us when He sent Jesus. Jesus showed us the Father and His love for us, He suffered for us so we don’t have to suffer, all we have to do is believe (trust Him) in Him.

How hard is it to trust someone who would give up their life for you?  Jesus not only gave His life, but He suffered so you and I wouldn’t have to. He overcame death so you and I wouldn’t taste death!

All we have to do it believe it, make a decision to believe all that He did for us and then walk in it. Do what we say we believe.

Lately God has been showing me as Christians, we really don’t believe Him, because we are not doing what we say we believe.  Then He took it a step further to say and that is because we don’t have a rhema Word.  We don’t have a revelation knowledge of the Word we say we believe.  

I have learned that is a big thing, I can’t live His way, assume I know something, without Him endorsing it!  

How do we get the revelation knowledge?  How do we get to that place where we can get out on the water and walk with the confidence that we have been redeemed?  It comes from first making a decision we are not going to be saying one thing and living in another way. Being aware of our doings as well as what we are saying and not assuming we know something without Him.

Then asking God to help us walk in His will. Help us to live the Word, not just to know the Word. Not just try and not break His laws, but ask Him to make His ways come alive in our lives.

When we do that assuming we know will pass away.

Assuming is pretty popular and I used to do it myself, but no more.  I’m thinking back to the day God was teaching me how to live the life He preordained for me.  He called me to go for Him, I said yes.  Not long after I said yes, He asked me to quit my job.

I assumed I had to pay my debt first. How can I go into ministry with debt. But God showed me that His Kingdom principles were different than the world’s way, and at the place I was in, my job was keeping me in debt.

The reason my job was keeping me in debt was it wasn’t God’s plan for my life.  He was calling me to work for Him, yet I refused because I was thinking I had to first clean up my debt first.   

That’s when God showed me my assumptions were wrong, and that my thinking had to change to agree with His and His way of doing.  

He taught me that I wasn’t called to provide for myself, but to rely on Him and the provision (the gift) He had instilled on the inside of me.  

Proverbs teaches us our gift will make room for us (Proverbs 18:16).  Our gift is our provision and it will when given provide for us, pressed down shaken together and running over (Luke 6:38) so that we don’t have to work to make a living.

God was teaching me He had a plan for my life and as I walked in that plan that would be my provision. My job was a job, not my source, but the way one lives in the world without God. Working to make a living in the world, providing for our needs is not God’s best for us.

God was teaching me and trying to convince me of my freedom while I argued with Him that I was in debt and I had to pay my debt before I could quit my job.  

Then He said, “How is it that you can you trust Me for your healing but not to free you from your debt?”  I said well I didn't make the sickness happen, (which now I realize I did but we won't go there today) but the debt I did.

Then He reminded me that I was forgiven for my sin.  My debt was already paid for at the cross.  It was covered, my debt was already allotted for as so was my sickness, at the cross.  

Isaiah 53: 4 Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy]. 5  But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole. AMPC

Whatever sin I committed even getting myself in debt was paid for at the cross.  I was forgiven, and convinced of it, because God spoke to me.

I quit my job even in the midst of the debt that was harassing me.

A I clung to God’s promise, that Word He gave me, and determined to walk in it.  That rhema Word God gave me convinced me that I could trust Him, and yes, He was faithful and paid a twenty-three thousand dollar debt we owed, with money left over to live on.

Speaking the Word, calling myself debt free was all a part of my faith in Him.  I had to do His principles, His way of doing and as I did, as I was convinced of His way of doing, and my debt was forgiven.

I had been redeemed from the curse of the law, and as I agreed that I was, I was. I had to agree that the giving of my gifts and my things would return to me pressed down, shaken together and running over,and it happened.  It worked, doing what God created me to do, living by His principles of loving and giving, calling those things to be not as though they were, became my provision and it can become yours.

Doing what you were created to do is part of being set free from the law of sin and death, calling those things, loving and giving, all are our provision for the freedom from the curse.

Not to say the curse is not out there, it is.  But why would you want to live in it?  Because you haven’t the revelation knowledge of not having to, as I didn't.  

May I encourage you to go to God and get that revelation knowledge, that rhema Word you need from Him.  Study the Word, get to know God more and hear Him show you the path He has preordained for you and then ask Him to help you walk on it (Ephesians 2:10)!

Your life will never be the same!