He Knows The Plan

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. AMPC

A few weeks ago God spoke to me and said, “I have a plan, I know the plan I have for you.” God was responding to a question I was asking Him the day before.  It was encouraging to hear He had that plan, but at first it didn’t seem to relate to my question, I was perplexed until He said, “Ask me the plan.”

I always ask God for HIs wisdom, but this time He was putting things in a different perspective and I want to share that with you today.

What God wanted me to see and what I believe He wants me to share with you, is the  “big picture” so to say.  He wants us to see what He sees, get His perspective on the plans He has for us so we can wit-fully walk in His plan (our dream) without any interferences.

Getting God’s perspective is always His revelation knowledge to help us to live the life He intended for us, therefore God’s purpose is to enhance our lives with His Knowledge.

Usually when we hear Jeremiah 29:11 I think we think of the big plan (the dream life) God has for our lives, which is why I didn't catch on to what God was saying to me.

To begin, when I asked God the plan as He told me to do, He only reiterated what I already knew. I already knew what to do from the last time I had asked God about my situation.  He gave me a directive, the answer for the favor I was asking of HIm, but I didn't do it.  I started it but then I became distracted and because I didn't do the thing He asked me to do, the situation remained the same— unchanged.  Not because God didn't do His part but because I didn't do my part.

The reason God said, “I have a plan” and the reason He said “ask Me the plan,” was because He wanted me to realize what I was thinking.  I know that God almost always gives me an instruction to get me in position to receive from Him but at that time I was thinking I was waiting on Him, that He was going to do something apart from me doing  my part.  Even though I know God doesn't work that way I was somehow in that wrong mindset and He was showing me that.

The other truth one that I hadn’t had a personal revelation of before was that what I was asking God for was already accounted for.  What I was asking Him for was already a part of the plan, one of the inbetweens of the ultimate plan God has for my life. He already had a plan for what I was asking of Him even before I asked.  God further revealed to me that everything that happens in between, from where we start to the finish, He has already accounted for.  

He has already made provisions for each and everything that will happen before it ever happens. He knows what we’re going to ask for, He knows the stumbling blocks, the healing we will need, He knows everything before hand and has made provision for us.

Of course we know that, but as He personalizes it by saying “I already knew you were going to ask Me for this, so yeah, it is already worked into the plan for you life, ask Me the plan,” makes me feel wonderful!

He said He has the plan, but He is not the implementer of the plan.

God has an awesome plan for our lives for good because He is the Master Planner, but we are the implementers of that plan.  Therefore, the major part of God’s plan for our lives is in conferring with God for His direction and then implementing His direction so that His promises come to life!

I love how God puts this big dream in our heart.  The dream is so good that we get to do what you love to do, and at the same time that dream is God’s assignment for our lives and it’s apart of what He is doing.  We then are on this quest with Him to do good in the earth, representing Him, just from our little part.

God’s plans are so awesome, the dream in our hearts so important, that the enemy is heels up just ready to pounce on us to keep our dream—  God’s plans from happening!


That is why we have to have the revelation of knowing, without a doubt, that we are the implementers of God’s plan, that we have to do the work.  So many are being fooled by the enemy to think we’re not to do works, that God does everything and we don’t have to do anything.  But it is work to do the will of God, and I want to show you that today.

Just for more clarity,  you get that dream from God, you are the one that has to live it in right? For reason, if you are called to be a musician, God is not going to buy Himself a guitar and then implement the dream He gave you. You are, it’s your work.  You are going to get a guitar and probably take guitar lessons, learn music and so forth, so you can walk in the dream He gave you.

If God called you to teach His Word, God is not going to study the Word, you are.  He is not going to seek Himself, you are going to be seek Him. You have to take the initiative to do the plan, it’s your work to do.

The same holds true for all the inbetweens of the ultimate plan God has for you.  God has a plan of how to get from where we are to the place He has designed for you to be.  So your work is to, one step at a time consult with God for the next step in the plan.

For example if you are called to be a musician some of the steps will be to get a guitar, practice, go to school, or you may not go to school, but whatever the plan, God knows it and will tell you what it is when you inquire of Him.

There are also going to be the hindrances from the enemy designed to keep you from the plan God has for you, which God knew of ahead of time, just as we already discussed.  God already has a plan for you to overcome those hindrances. Your objective then is the same as it is for making the big dream happen, you have to go to God to get the plan to overcome the hindrances and then implement that plan.  

I was asking God what to do about a hinderance and He said, “Ask Me the plan.”  His plan of action was my answer and after I do that plan of action I can be free of that hindrance and move on to the next part of walking in my dream.

It’s pretty simple until the lie of the enemy comes to interfer.  He tells the lie that God is a mystery, we are not supposed to hear God, and that God is doing bad things to us to teach us something.

1 Peter 5:8 Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour.

The enemy devours with his lies.  If he can get us to believe God doesn't talk to us and God is a mystery we’re done before we start.  Exactly his strategy because then you can't ask God the plan or implement the plan.

If I were to have one motto it would be to ASK GOD!  I live on asking God what is going on because He said I could, and because He is the only One who knows what is going on.  God is the One with the plan, not a man.

Satan is out to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10) and his best most valued prize for him to steal is revelation knowledge from us, because then he has stolen God from us.  Jesus said that in Mark 4, as soon as we hear the Word (the Word is God, John 1:1, and God's revelation knowledge), Satan comes to steal it.

Mark 4:15 The ones along the path are those who have the Word sown [in their hearts], but when they hear, Satan comes at once and [by force] takes away the message which is sown in them. That means as soon as God puts His Word in your heart, Satan is going to come with a lie and try to convince you of his lie to steal the truth from you.

The truth is God said we can come to Him and ask for wisdom at anytime and He will give it to us.

James 1:5  If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him.

I am thinking of Paul when he asked God to take the thorn out of his side. Paul asked God three times to take it out.  Although I didn't count the number of times I asked God to take care of my impediment, God’s answer to me was perplexing to me, similar to God’s answer to Paul which seemed to have puzzled Paul.  Three times he asked God to take the thorn out of his side and three times God said “My Grace, My unmerited favor is sufficient for you (2 Corinthians 12:9)”.

The few times I asked God He gave me the same directive, but the last time He gave me even more revelation than the first few times.  Therefore it seems apparent to me we have to keep asking if we don't get it, until we do get it.

Matthew 7:7 Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who keeps on asking receives; and he who keeps on seeking finds; and to him who keeps on knocking, [the door] will be opened.

Religion would say and does say God said “no” to Paul when God was actually giving Paul the answer to the hindrance that was interfering with his calling. God said His grace, His unmerited favor was all Paul needed.

That is why Satan has us under his feet instead of us having him under ours, because we think we would be too puffed up with revelation knowledge.  Hmm, if we had too much knowledge wouldn't we be living in James 1:4 without lacking anything?  Yes, we would and living without lack is God’s will.

Satan has worked hard to convince God’s own to segregate themselves from God, with the idea of us not being worthy.  James tells us we are God’s first fruits, of all He created, we are the most important to Him.  (James 11:18).

We are good enough, we are His sons and daughters,  He is in love with us and He said while you are learning My way, you can ask Me whatever you will and I will give you My wisdom (James 1:2-5).  

Why would God hold out on us?  That would be evil and the evil one has told that lie.  God will give us His wisdom because He loves us and His wisdom is what we need to do that plan, the dream He put in our heart!  We can’t implement the plan if we don’t have the wisdom to do so.

If we’re perplexed, without revelation, we’re stagnant in doing what we were called to do.  Satan loves that we don't do what were called too, and that we believe his lies.  He doesn’t want us living in our dream, happy, doing the will or God or being apart of God’s quest, and the only way he can stop it is by lying to us.


Mark 4:11 And He said to them, To you has been entrusted the mystery of the kingdom of God [that is, the secret counsels of God which are hidden from the ungodly]; but for those outside [of our circle] everything becomes a parable.

Jesus said if we are His then God shouldn't be a mystery.  He said we as His, could ask and He would entrust to us with the mystery of the kingdom of God. The plan God has for you is a mystery of the kingdom of God that  needs revealing. If you are His and you ask Him, He will entrust you!

Jesus said to the disciples another time after cursing a fig tree that the disciples could do the same. If they had constant faith and if they believed what they said, it would happen.  And one more stipulation, if they lived in forgiveness (love)— (Mark 11:23-26).

If you are a Christian that makes you a disciple and you too can speak to the mountains in you life as so Paul could have, because of God’s grace and His unmerited favor.

Also, Jesus gave us power and authority over the enemy.

Matthew 18:18 Truly I tell you, whatever you forbid and declare to be improper and unlawful on earth must be what is already forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit and declare proper and lawful on earth must be [f]what is already permitted in heaven.

God’s unmerited favor, His grace is sufficient for all of us.

I hope now that you can see we have a part in the plan God has for us and that you can know those plans.  

Go to Him right where you are and ask Him the plan. He may remind you of what you already know, He may tell you to take authority over the enemy, or He may say something that puzzles you as He did Paul.  If so, then seek Him until you understand.   It’s up to you to seek God in what God is saying to you, and then to do it, implement it!

Ahh, what an awesome God we serve!

lovelee <3